A new film, Kidulthood is about to hit the cinemas and its subject matter and language are likely to create a fair old stir. It hasn't even been released yet and campaigners have called for its withdrawal on the grounds that it promotes violence, happy-slapping and glamorises anti-social bahaviour.
Set in west London and focusing on the lives of a group of urban teens, the film has also attracted interest because of its attempts to use the genuine language of the street, or as an article in The Sunday Times magazine puts it, a multi-ethnic dialect. The relevant section of the article is scanned below, while the whole article appears (scanned) on the SFX resources site here.
It looks like it could be an interesting film and I'd be interested to hear from any of you who see it...
Thanks to Peter at SFX & Juliet at Highams Park for the info on the article, and to Kevin at Lancaster for these further links to MEYD:
Sunday Times article
New Scientist extract
Official webpage of the MEYD project
Useful for:
ENA5 - Language Varieties & Change